Kick-start your career in capital markets. Learn how to trade from the professionals at Real Trading™.
Note: United States citizens or residents are unable to participate in the Campus program.
The Campus program is split into 4 phases, where you’ll learn the basics of the market, how our trading platform works while developing and refining your trading knowledge, before progressing to our live trading platform where you’ll trade with real money.
Note: United States citizens or residents are unable to participate in the Campus program.
Your ability to open a trading business with Real Trading™ or join one of our trading businesses is subject to the laws and regulations in force in your jurisdiction.
Due to current legal and regulatory requirements, United States citizens or residents are currently unable to open a trading business with us.
Your ability to open a trading business with Real Trading™ or join one of our trading businesses is subject to the laws and regulations in force in your jurisdiction.
Due to current legal and regulatory requirements, United States citizens or residents are currently unable to open a trading business with us.